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Re: Weekly (sic) Vocab 28

From:Isidora Zamora <isidora@...>
Date:Tuesday, November 11, 2003, 16:44
At 11:08 PM 11/10/03 -0500, you wrote:
>Isidora reminded me of the duties I had been shirking. Thanks, Isidora. (And >that's without sarcasm.)
You're welcome. (And I didn't read any sarcasm into it.) I can tell from the content of this Weekly Vocab that you've been following the Corpses thread rather closely :) It's been rather deceiving, because, for the first several days, it seemed to be just Padraic and me comparing our concultures, then suddenly more and more people started chiming in. Until then, I had no idea whether the whole list was actually reading the thread or if they were just thinking, "Oh, that's Isidora and Padraic off topic again," and deleting the messages unread. It's been surprising to discover just how many people seem to have been following the whole thing. Someday, I hope to have my conlangs developed enough to be able to translate at least some of the Weekly Vocab, but none of them are ready yet. I can tell you that, even were my conlangs well-developed enough to do translation, #28 here would only get translated into Trehelish (and possibly Nidirino) for cultural reasons. The Cwendaso don't have too much of a problem with the sort of crime that we are familiar with. On the other hand, the content of this Weekly Vocab is perfectly in line with Trehelish culture, as I am sure you can tell if you have been following the Corpses thread. Even though the Trehelish language has very little grammar at this point, I will be thinking about the semantic content of certain vocabulary items here, such as "thug" and "mug." You did a nice job putting this one together quickly, Christopher. You had it posted wihin a couple of hours after my reminder showed up on the list. Isidora