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Re: [wEr\ Ar\ ju: fr6m] ?

From:Muke Tever <alrivera@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 7, 2001, 13:23
From: "Tristan Alexander McLeay" <anstouh@...>
> > I live in Sydney ['sId_}ni:], Australia [@'strEIlj@]. > > Are you sure the [i] in Sydney is long? Most people I've heard just use a > short [i] there (not an /I/, though; I'm talking about the unstressed > allophone of /i:/).
In my area, [I] *is* the unstressed allophone of /i:/. So you have words like {fifty} ["fIt:I] which in GenAm is ["fIfti]. (I don't think I have that [I] personally, but I'm hearing it more and more often around me.) *Muke!


Tristan Alexander McLeay <anstouh@...>