Stone Gordonssen wrote:
>> > [yVr "d{@diz "f{:mli dIn h{v noU "k7r`pEt_} "b{:gVrz
>> > InIt_} dI:t]?
Your daddy's family don't have no carpet?? baggers?? isn't it ??
>> [DVmz fA:tn w@rdz bVb]
Them's fighten words Bob.
>> [&kSVli D@r wVz DIm folks frVm
>> narT k@rlAn@ whVt fIt f@r d@ ju:njn bVt DImz tVrnkots
>> nat b&gVrz]
Actually, there was those people [you pronounce the L in 'folk'?] from
North Carolina that were fit for the Union but those turncoats not baggers??
> ["moUs.t 7 DIm tV"b&ki 4ItS foUks frVm "nar`Tk&r`"lajn7 "maj;tVz wEl bI
> "b&:gVrz] [Dej sVr &int "s7DnVr`z]
Most of them tobacco?-rich folks from North Carolina might as well be
baggers?? They sure(? shouldn't it be /SVr/?) ain't southerners.
What does [b&:gVrz] mean though??
Tristan <kesuari@...>