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Re: CHAT: mental masturbation

From:Gerald Koenig <jlk@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 2, 1999, 21:22
>=kristin >I believe the problem arises because the verb masturbate is indeed >inherently reflexive, and I think inherently reflexive words cannot >be passive at the same time. I'm not sure about this but I think >that in many ways, the reflexive functions like voice much as the >passive does, and one cannot afterall have two voices in a verb at >the same time - that is, one cannot have a verb that is both active >and passive at the same time, nor can one have a verb that is both >passive and reflexive at the same time.
um, sorry it had to come up in this emotionally loaded context, but my post of march 6 "fuzzy voice" dealt at length with non-binary grammatical categories for NGL, the example was, um, monica and bill. With this grammar, you can for sure have a verb that is both active and passive or agent and patient at the same time. check it out. Jerry _______________ The nula writekit: