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Re: CHAT: mental masturbation

From:Brian Betty <bbetty@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 2, 1999, 21:01
Mathias [I think?] wrote: "In UTL it would be said "mentala masturbio","

I'm curious. Then you stick with the term derived from Latin for
masturbation "to disturb with the hand"?

That reminds me of an utterly impossible idea I had for a conlang and
conculture: keep world history the same, but switch the Sino-Tibetan and
Indo-European branches. Impossible, of course, and a life's work even if it
weren't, but you'd use the base of one to create the other. That means all
of it.

Talk about mental masturbation! But how neat - you'd have to construct
'masturbation' out of the 'new IE' roots (like, for example, using the word
'shou' for hand."


Brian Betty, Front Desk
Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders
Tel. (617) 426-1350