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Re: CHAT: mental masturbation

From:Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 2, 1999, 6:08
Brian Betty wrote:
> >Ok, everyone chill out. I simply made a little joke. >
Don't worry, Brian, I understood it as a joke, and I saw nothing vulgar about it. However, one thing I have learned from this list is that it is very difficult to make jokes. Some jokes and sarcastic comments simply don't strike different people the same way. Its a cultural thing. Beware of jokes in this list.
>Besides, it's true. If a psychologist calls my hobby mental >masturbation, I want to know what's wrong with masturbation. I had >no idea I was blowing wind up everyone's skirts.
Yeah, I'd also like to know what was wrong with masturbation if a psychologist stated that about conlanging. So I did not find your post "completely off-topic", as some has expressed - on the contrary. I understand your position entirely.
> >Don't worry, I'll never mention SEX again.
SURE! OF COURSE you can - as long as it is ON-TOPIC! Say you want to discuss sexual terms in languages and our conlangs. Indeed, such a topic has been discussed on this list before a couple of years ago - and it was entirely on-topic, and nobody complained. I don't think anyone should feel shackled for wanting to discuss an issue regarding the "s" word in our respective conlangs. As far as maturity and civilness goes (of which I hold this list in high regard), maturity and civilness comes with being able to look upon the "s" and "m" word in on-topic discussions seriously (without having to flinch, snicker, or sulk). Its healthier that way. In other words, lighten up as the list-owner himself said. -kristian- 8-)