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Re: CHAT: mental masturbation

From:Marcos Franco <xavo@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 2, 1999, 10:02
Tem Tue, 1 Jun 1999 17:05:44 -0400, Brian Betty <bbetty@...>

>"This is NOT the place to discuss this." > >Don't get uppity. Sorry that we can make a joke about something unless =
>about sex, in which case everyone panics. > >Sheesh.
Hi, Brian. How do you say "mental masturbation" in your conlang? In UTL it would be said "mentala masturbio", though having -at- as passive suffix, I was wondering what could mean "masturbatio" in UNL. It would mean literally "the action of being masturbated", but since masturbate/masturbi is a reflexive verb (by definition) this would make not much sense in a logical language like UTL. Btw, I could not logically say "to masturbate another person" as masturbi is reflexive. Btw, do you say in English "I masturbate" or "I masturbate myself"? Well, as we have seen some problems may get aroused with the verb masturbate if we let it reflexive, so I think it's better having it defined as transitive and let no reflexive verbs in UTL. But how can "masturbate" be transitive if its definition is "to provide oneself sexual pleasure"? I'm afraid this is becoming another mental masturbation... Saludos, Marcos