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Re: Standard Average European

From:Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 7, 2008, 9:13
Selon ROGER MILLS <rfmilly@...>:

> Tim Smith wrote: > > >If I understand correctly what Christophe said (and remember that we're > >talking about colloquial, spoken French, not the kind of French that one > >learns in school or in a "Teach Yourself" book), the word order is > >determined solely by pragmatics (topic-comment), not by grammatical roles. > >Thus, "L'agent de police, le bandit, il l'a vu" could mean either "the > >policeman saw the gangster" or "the gangster saw the policeman". > > > Word order might be relevant in your example. >
As I wrote in my previous post, it is. Word order in the *comment*, the remainder of the sentence when you remove the fronted topic, is not completely free.
> I think the problem might arise if there is only one noun mentioned: > "l'agent de police, il l'a vu" could perhaps mean either : The policeman saw > him OR he saw the policeman. >
Exactly! And in this case, only context can disambiguate this sentence.
> It may be that only one role/constituent (subj or obj?) can be > fronted/topicalized ?? Moi, sais pas. (How's that for colloq. French???) >
Indeed. There can only be one topic (or rather: the topic can only have a single grammatical function, subject, object, adverbial, etc...). Your sentence, by the way, is nearly perfect Spoken French (with a topicalised subject). It still feels incomplete though. Although if you'd pronounce it /'mwa SE'pa/ or /'mwa SsE'pa/ (the /S/ represents the first person singular subject prefix, which often replaces a following /s/ sound, sometimes with slight lengthening), then you'd have a perfect Spoken French sentence.
> I recall seeing a bill-board in Paris (advertising a soup IIRC) with a > grinning African and the caption "y a bon" Everyone said that was atrocious > French. Rather like "mm mm good"(TM) >
Memories... -- Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets. It takes a straight mind to create a twisted conlang.