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Re: Weekly Vocab #1.1.3 (repost #1)

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Monday, September 11, 2006, 19:18

 1. doctor = jééxµidââgus; healer = jêêcus
She is my doctor.
(îî)nus músïo jééxµidââgus êsa.  µ = /m_0/
(îî)-n-us = (feminine prefix)-3-Class6.NOM.s  Feminine prefix
necessary only for disambiguation.

m-úsïo = I-Class6.GEN.s  ï = palatalization
jééx-µid-ââg-us = heal-know-noun agent-Class6.NOM.s
ês-a = be + IND

[Conculture  note: Doctors belong to the 2nd of the 6 guilds, the
guild of healers. Included also are nurses, priests, judges,
herbalists, teachers, and mages.]

 2. medicine = jêêxtüis
_That_ is _my_ medicine, and _this_ is yours.
niÿîs músïo jêêxtüis êsa.  diÿîs túsïo êsa.

ni-ÿ-îs = that-emphatic infix-Class1.NOM.s  ÿ = /j_0/ With -ÿ-, the
primary pitch is shifted to the ultimate syllable.
m-úsïo = I-Class6.GEN.s
jêêx-tüis = heal-suffix for substance, potion, etc.  ü =
ês-a = be-IND
di-ÿ-îs = this-emphatic infix-Class1.NOM.s
t-úsïo = you-Class6.GEN.s
ês-a = be-IND

 3. ear = ûsos
She looked in their ears.
nus num ustûlon per vûða.

n-us = she-Class6.NOM.s
n-um = they-Class6.GEN.p
us-tûl-on = ear-canal-Class5.ACC.p
per = past particle
vûð-a = inspect-IND [new meaning for vûða; synonymous with
observe, examine]

 4. eye = ôcüos
She looked in her (someone else's) eye.
nus ánïnúsïo ôcüom per vûða.

n-us = she-Class6.NOM.s
ánï-n-úsïo = other-they-Class6.GEN.s  ï also is vocalization of
palatal consonant before another consonant. [new concept: prefixing
ánï- to indicate otherness. Used only to avoid disambiguation. Not
really necessary here.]
us-tûl-on = ear-canal-Class5.ACC.p
per = past particle
vûð-a = inspect-IND

5. friend = vîîlus
Our friends are ill.
µum viilûesë suqtûes êsa.

µ-um = we-Class6.GEN.p
viil-ûes = befriend-Class6.NOM.p
suqt-ûes = sicken-Class6.NOM.p  q = /j\/
ês-a = be-IND

6. to itch = dîÿa;  to scratch = mûtsa
His scratch (the one on him) is worse than his scratch (the one he
caused on someone else unspecified).
núsïo mûtsos ólvu jôôros ánïnúsïo mutsôsïo sóma êsa.

n-úsïo = he-Class6.GEN.s
mûts-os = scratch-Class5.NOM.s
ólv-u = more-ADV suffix
jôôr-os = severe-Class6.NOM.s  [ûflos = morally bad]
ánï-n-úsïo = other-he-Class6.GEN.s (unable to specify that the
subject caused it.)
muts-ôsïo = scratch.Class5.GEN.s
sóm-a = liken-postposition suffix (= in comparison to)
ês-a = be-IND

7. to hurt, to pain = tsôrma
Do y'all's heads hurt?  (y'all's????) :-) Do you guys have

calpôes jun tsôrmar. [Question mark not used in Senjecas, since all
questions are marked somehow.]
calp-ôes = head-Class5.NOM.p [possessive adj. not used in this
j-un = you-Class6.ACC.p
tsôrm-a-r =  hurt-IND-interrogative suffix

8. diagnosis
His diagnosis (that he gave) is that she will get better.
nornúsïo súqtëmînas íínum pos mêµu êsa.

nor-n-úsïo = masculine prefix-he-Class6.GEN.s
súqt-ë-mîn-as = be.sick-epenthetic vowel-opinion-Class1.NOM.s [new
íí-n-um = feminine prefix-she-Class6.ACC.s
pos = future particle
mêµ-u = improve-SUPINE
ês-a = be-IND

9. to cure, to heal = jêêcas
His diagnosis (for the disease he has) has a cure.
jêêcos núsïo súqtëtevâsï' o êsa.

jêêc-os = heal-Class5.NOM.s
n-úsïo = he-Class6.GEN.s
súqt-ë-tev-âsï-'  = be sick-epenthetic vowel-identify-Class1.GEN.s-
apocopated o [new word]
o = to
ês-a = be-IND

She will cure my friends.
nus músïo vîîlun pos jêêca.

n-us = she-Class6-NOM.s
m-úsïo = I-Class6.GEN.s
vîîl-un = befriend-Class6.ACC.p
pos = future particle
jêêc-a = cure-IND

10. ill = sûqtus
I am not ill anymore.
mus sûqtus núuþis êsa ne.
m-us = I-Class6.NOM.s
sûqt-us = be sick-Class6.NOM.s
núu-þis = now-elative suffix [new word.  Also created núuþim with
allative suffix = from then on]
ês-a = be-IND
ne = not

scruple = îqos; new meaning to word meaning principle, guide, norm.
scrupulous = îqmis; -m- suffix = having, possessing.
scrupulousness = îqmëtas; -tas = abstract suffix

nutate: AHD does not give a verb, only the noun "nutation" and the
adjective "nutational."
If there is now a verb, it must be a back-formation.
Nutation means simply a nodding of the head.  Nothing about it being
nêµa = nod; wave, sign, beckon, wink, signal
