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Re: favorite aspects of conlanging

From:David Peterson <digitalscream@...>
Date:Thursday, June 28, 2001, 8:01
In a message dated 6/27/01 5:15:07 PM, amber@OJNK.NET writes:

<< On a related note, that makes me wonder, what languages do you all consider
"pretty"?  Or, maybe not pretty, but just like the sound of?  The kind that
makes you go to realaudio sites and listen to the news broadcasts, not for
content, but just to listen to the sounds of the language...
Or maybe I'm the only one who does that. ;) >>

    French I've always loved (my favorite sound is [Z]), but Hawaiian is my
favorite in every way.



Christian Thalmann <cinga@...>Most Beautiful Langs (was: favorite aspects of conlanging)