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Re: Phonemic volume

From:Ian Maxwell <umlaut@...>
Date:Monday, November 25, 2002, 2:25
Christophe Grandsire wrote:
> En réponse à Ian Maxwell <umlaut@...>: > > >>Hey, does anyone know of any languages that actually have phonemic >>volume distinctions? > > > Any language with phonemic stress accent not accompanied with vowel > reduction :)))) .
Heh. Technically true, while not at all what I was talking about. In an attempt to increase the number of possible words in my monosyllabic-word isolating language, I thought I'd include a piano-vs-forte phonemic distinction, so that, say, /p. zén/ "day" would be a distinct word from /f. zén/ "rope". (This would be the "proper" pronunciation--it's not unlikely that some dialects would pronounce the two words identically, or perhaps use breathy voicing instead of piano or something.) I wouldn't be surprised to find that no natlang has volume this intrinsically a part of its phonology, as it isn't conducive to, say, shouting, or whispering. - Ian Maxwell -- C'est la vie, c'est la guerre, c'est la pomme de terre. CONLANGER CODE: CU v1.1 !lm+ cN:R:N:H a+ y n19:1 !B* A+ E--- L+ N1<2 Im k-- ia@:@ p@ s@ m- o P-- S--- Ingyrri