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Re: Nindic Nominal Morphology

From:Christian Thalmann <cinga@...>
Date:Thursday, October 21, 2004, 8:46
--- In, Elliott Lash <erelion12@Y...> wrote:

> I'm glad that you enjoyed some aspects, even though > the overall asthetic wasn't to your liking :)
It's not that I don't like the aesthetics (I do, to a certain degree); IMHO it's just not very imaginative... Countless Tolkien fans have done the same. I guess all conlangs have parts plagiarized from real languages (just think of all the romlangs! mine included...); the spelling is just a particularly conspicuous thing to borrow. Maybe it's just that I particularly like making up typographical flavor for a conlang. ;-)
> Examples: > Nindic: ceil "stream" New York English: "kill" > Nindic: ffaer "flame" English "Fire" > Hinession (Caer Aldun Standard): fot "foot" > : feit "feet"
Coool, that's exactly the kind of thing I intend to do with Hairo... give etymologies for Germanic words whose current etymology is unsatisfactory. For example, I was going to have a word |brand| "metal", "weapon" or maybe even "sword" that would explain the usage of the word in poetic English. I chickened out and made |brand| mean "man", though. It's about time I changed that. -- Christian Thalmann


Elliott Lash <erelion12@...>