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Re: CHAT: The centre of the temporal universe, was Translation relay

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Friday, June 18, 1999, 18:38
On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, Andrew Smith wrote:

> They showed an architect's map of Washington and explained that it was > based on the corridors and landscaping of French Versailles, rather than > the different architeture of power of the English. It immediately made > sense to me that in the North American League of Brithenig history no city > would be laid out like Washington is here.
It's also a pain in the neck to drive around in. But once you get used to the fact that "stop lights" are merely decorative winkyblinkies and the lines on the streets are optional; it's a breeze. _Is_ there even a Washington *there*? A Georgetown, probably, but the rest? Or did the NALers feel the same desire for a Capital in the middle of the country and the same overwhelming need to build it in the middle of a bug infested swamp?
> > I also found out that in the alternative history of the Brithenig speakers > the third greatest domed building in the world is the Cathedral of Saint > Mary in the N.A.L. There is a joke hidden in that last sentence and I'm > not going to explain it! >
I kind of wish you would, or at least provide a hint! On the other hand, I can't think of any St. Mary's cathedral (here in the US). What city is St. Mary's in? Padraic.
> > - andrew. >