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Re: CHAT: The centre of the temporal universe, was Translation relay

From:Matt Pearson <mpearson@...>
Date:Friday, June 18, 1999, 17:42
Sally Caves wrote, in reply to Andrew Smith:

>> The Teonim are definately on my list of places to visit on a Grand Tour of >> Conlangea. I am sure that their national library contains wide and >> eclectic sections on the languages and customs of such places as Cambria, >> the Hankerim republics, Livagia, Boreanesia, Nowapan, and the Rihannsu. > >I'd like to visit, too! >I think they also visit the Tokana. So where is Matt these days?? <G> >I hope having a fabulous vacation.
I'm still here, but largely in lurk mode. No fabulous vacations for me, I'm afraid. I just finished teaching a very time-consuming course, and now I have to gear up to start teaching another course in a week. Then in the fall I'm teaching two more courses at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. All this while trying to finish my dissertation and helping my partner get the condo ready for selling (right now I'm stuck away in a back bedroom, surrounded by piles of furniture, while the living room and dining room are being painted). The way things are looking, I won't be able to take a vacation until Christmas, which means an *entire year* of uninterrupted stress. Huzzah! Re. the Teonim visiting the Tokana: They must have the ability to travel to various alternate universes, then. The Tokana occupy a parallel timeline which diverged from our own approximately 13,500 years ago, and which (as far as I know) does not contain anyone else's concultural creations. The Teonim must have a hard time finding the Tokana, since I still haven't managed to nail down exactly where they live. I keep going back and forth between Vancouver Island, the Queen Charlotte Islands, and the north shore of the mouth of the Columbia River (i.e. the southwestern tip of Washington State). I'm also vacillating between whether they'll be a hunter-gatherer people or a small-scale agricultural people (or both). Conculturally, the Tokana are sort of in limbo right now, I guess... Matt. ------------------------------------ Matt Pearson UCLA Linguistics Department 405 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90095-1543 ------------------------------------