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Re: OT: Old Computer Games (Was: Weekly Vocab #1.1.3 (repost #1))

From:Iain E. Davis <feaelin@...>
Date:Thursday, September 14, 2006, 3:57
> But for DOS, I fear the OS and the computer hardware were > already too complex to be emulated well enough for all those > picky game engines that failed to run even on native DOS in > most cases. I doubt that many DOS or Windows games will > survive the DOS/Windows time. To save them, the game engines
If you have access to one, "virtual machine" software may achieve what you desire. I should try it now that I have my own copy of VM-Workstation...I have some games I occasionally feel nostalgic for. :) Hm. I'm nto sure I can "slow" the processor in VM-Workstation. I'll have to look. :) Iain