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Re: CHAT: t-shirt

From:The Gray Wizard <dbell@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 27, 2000, 13:41
> From: nicole perrin > > Anyone who wants to participate can send in as many of his conlangs as > he wants, the more the merrier. With each translation, this is what I'd > like to have: the sentence in the language,
English: Fight linguistic extinction... invent a language! amman iar: nasivas in urgoirvar iardainnion ermaethuliel... nasivas in iar erdaghiel nathya: inhocorwar yadhano nas mesulus... inya nas ethagus English: Invent a language! amman iar: nasivas in iar erdaghiel nathya: inya nas ethagus
> an interlinear,
amman iar: \f Fight linguistic extinction... \t nasivas in urgoirvar \m nas- -iv -as in ur- coiro =var -0 \g hortative- -hab -pres not- live =actn/proc -[P] \p mood- -asp -tense ptp neg- v =nsfx -abs \x do extinction \t iardainnion ermaethuliel \m iar =tain -ion er- maetho =dul -ie -l \g language =science -of do- contest =unfavorable -agt/thm -actn \p n =nsfx -gen agt- v =nsfx -val -vc \x of.linguistics fight \f invent a language! \t nasivas in iar \m nas- -iv -as in iar -0 \g hortative- -hab -pres language -[P] \p mood- -asp -tense ptp n -abs \x do language \t erdaghiel \m er- tagho -ie -l \g do- create -agt/thm -actn \p agt- v -val -vc \x invent nathya: \f Fight linguistic extinction... \t inhocorwar yadhano nas mesulus \m in- ocorwar ya -dhan -o nas mesul -u -s \g - extinction language -science -of hortative fight -habitual -pres \p abs- n n -sfx -gen mood v -asp -tense \x extinction linguistic do fight \f invent a language! \t inya nas ethagus \m in- ya nas er- tag -u -s \g - language hortative you- create -habitual -pres \p abs- n mood 2per- v -asp -tense \x language do create
> and any > special notes about preferred typefaces or special scripts. It would be > best if anyone with a native script sent me this as an image file (.gif > or .jpg or .bmp) even if he has a font for the script, because how am I > supposed to know how to type in it? But please, if there is a native > script, do send roman transliteration as well for the booklet.
Nicole, what size gif file will you require? I assume that this will have to be transferred somehow from the gif file to the T-shirt. Depending on the size and resolution of the gif, the expanded image for the shirt could be distorted, I would think. Let us know what you require and I will send a gif of the above in my conscript tal eglar. David