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Re: CHAT: t-shirt

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Monday, September 25, 2000, 3:23
Dan Seriff wrote:
> 1. What are you looking at? > 2. Stop reading my mind. > 3. If you can read this, you must be on CONLANG. > 4. Isn't this shirt cool? > 5. Your language goes here. (the phrase for the last shirt attempt) > 6. If I were left alone, this is what I'd be doing all the time.
I like those, especially 4 and 6. In Watakassí (actual forms of some words may be inaccurate, a large-range sound-change has occurred): Note: = indicates clitic boundaries 1. Lassílkiil pibaa? Lassí -l -ki =il pibaa See/ what? Could also be translated as "What are you seeing?" or "What do you see?" Lassílki pibaa táilwal Lassí -l -ki pibaa táilwa-l See/ what? you -erg Can only be translated as "What are you looking at?"; "see" would put "you" into the dative, but with the clitic form as in the first translation, that distinction is lost. The first would, I think, be the more natural translation 2. Lassitlífinla watlákwaba Lassi- tlí -fin-la wa-tlá -kwa-ba See/ G6-soul-my -ill Lit. "Stop looking into my soul" 3. Vikasaspásfin plíli, ussapauyalibbaki pli launífinva búka wafsaggáika wafplifglíika Vi-kasas-pás-fin p- lí -li, us- sa-pauya-lib -*a-ki If-read- can-you G7-this-inst, then-be-true- must-it-non.punct pli launí -fin-va bú-ka waf- saggá -i -ka RCM be.loc.-you-hab place-iness G6pl-language-pl-iness waf- plif- glí -i -ka G6pl-adj.part.-create-pl.-iness Lit. "If you can read this, then it must be true that you are in Conlang [a place]", bú indicates that the following word or phrase is the name of a place 4. Sabibitálki pisyátu plí, sálbu? Sa-bibitá-l -ki pi-syátu p- lí sál-bu Be-great -it-non.punct. G7-shirt G7-this yes=yes/ There's no word for "shirt", as they don't wear shirts, so I had to borrow it. Sál-bu is used as a general tag-question, so lit. something like "This shirt is great, isn't it?" 5. Launilíbbaki blív wasaggáili Launi- líb -*a-ki blí -v wa-saggá =ili Be.loc-must-it-non.punct here-loc G6-language=your Lit. "Your language must go here" 6. Pass -- Dievas dave dantis; Dievas duos duonos God gave teeth; God will give bread - Lithuanian proverb ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTailor