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Re: retroflex consonants

From:Danny Wier <dawier@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 5, 2003, 11:33
From: "Herman Miller" <hmiller@...>

| Zharranh (
| Lindiga (
| (both of these have retroflex stops and fricatives; Lindiga even has a
| voiceless retroflex lateral fricative!)
| Tirelat (
| (retroflex fricatives only)

I see phonemically your retroflexes fill the "ch/j/sh/zh" position in common
phonologies, like Mandarin. I like that, since they distinguish themselves
further from "ts/dz/s/" more than the more common postalveolar. And I was really
impressed with Tirelat script! I can tell you've been developing your conlangs
(and music and art) quite a while, and have your own type of Middle Earth
conworld. A mix of fantasy and sci-fi....