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Yet another ASCII-IPA scheme...

From:Jörg Rhiemeier <joerg.rhiemeier@...>
Date:Thursday, November 8, 2001, 23:58
Well, I have said why I don't like X-SAMPA, and that of course poses the
question of doing better.  And indeed I have cobbled together my own
encoding which I shall present here, even though it is still in a rather
preliminary state.  The consonant symbols are mostly based on Herman
Miller's KPA, with a few changes (I have switched alveolar and retroflex
flaps and trills, for example), and the escape characters (",*) are
preceding the letters rather than following them.  The vowel symbols are
of my own device, with the usage of ["e] and ["i] for mid and high back
unrounded vowels being inspired by Finno-Ugrist conventions.  The basic
principle, except in the open grade, is that " flips rounding and *
centralizes.  Suprasegmentals and diacritics follow KPA.

OK, here it is.  Share and enjoy!

-- snip --


          blb lbd dnt alv all pav rfl plt vel uvl phr epg glt
vl.stop   p           t           t.  c   k   q      "?   ?
vd.stop   b           d           d.  J   g   Q
vd.nasal  m   M       n           n. "n   N  "N
vd.flap               r  *l       r.
vd.trill "B          "r          "r.         "R
vl.fric   P   f   T   s   L   S   s.  C   x   X   H  "H   h
vd.fric   B   v   D   z  "l   Z   z. "j   G   R   9  "9  "h
vd.appr      "v      *r   l      *r.  j  "w

click     p!      T!  t!  l!          c!
vd.impl   b`          d`              J`  g`  Q`
vl.ejec   p`          t`                  k`

(The palatal and velar laterals in the IPA chart are really
palatal_ized_ and velar_ized_ ones, if you ask me, and are thus
rendered [l_j] and [l_G], respectively.)

 W  voiceless labial-velar fricative
 w  voiced labial-velar approximant
"y  voiced labial-palatal approximant
 l. voiced retroflex lateral approximant
"c  voiceless alveo-palatal fricative
"z  voiced      "      "        "

{kp} double articulation
{ts} affricate

Vowels   Front     Central    Back

Close    i  y       *i *u    "i  u
              I  Y          U
Close-mid   e "o     *e *o   "e  o
Open-mid       E "O   *E *O  "E  O
                &       *a
Open              a "a        A *A


'      primary stress
,      secondary stress
:      long
;      half-long
^(     extra-short
-      syllable break
|      minor (foot) group
||     major (intonation) group
=      linking (absence of a break)
5 ^"   extra high
4 ^'   high
3 ^-   mid
2 ^`   low
1 ^=   extra low
> downstep
< upstep 24 ^v rising (optionally, [/]) 42 ^^ falling (optionally, [\]) << global rise
>> global fall
diacritics _h voiceless _: breathy voiced _d dental _v voiced _~ creaky voiced _a apical ^h aspirated _m linguolabial _l laminal _) more rounded ^w labialized ~ nasalized _( less rounded ^j palatalized ^n nasal release _+ advanced ^G velarized ^l lateral release _- retracted ^9 pharyngealized ^7 no audible release ^: centralized ^~ velarized or pharyngealized ^x mid-centralized _^ raised _| syllabic _V lowered _^ non-syllabic _< advanced tongue root ^r rhoticity _> retracted tongue root Additional symbols not included in IPA: (mainly from Ladefoged & Maddieson, _The Sounds of the World's Languages_) _M labiodental (alternatively, [{qp}] and [{db}] for labiodental stops) _. apical retroflex (if necessary to distinguish from sub-apical retroflex) ^m ^N prenasalized (^mb ^nd ^"nJ ^Ng, etc.) ^^ closed post-alveolar (hissing-hushing) fricatives ^"h alternative representation of breathy voice ^x ^G affricate click release ^? glottal click release _= strident vowels (double tilde below) _w simple labialization (not velarized) 7 velarized l (X-SAMPA [5]) *I *Y central vowels slightly lower than [*i] and [*u] (X-SAMPA [I\], [U\]) *i U+027F reversed r with fishhook (resembles iota turned 180 degrees) i. U+0285 squat reversed esh (represents a retroflex vowel) ^s sibilant fricative; no IPA equivalent ^o whistled; no IPA equivalent % arbitrary phonetic symbol, e.g., the so-called "voiced glottal stop" ^* arbitrary diacritic, for example to represent stiff voice -- snap -- Comments? ...brought to you by the Weeping Elf and the letter "ö" [b*rO:t t@ ju: baI D@ wi:piN El^Gf &nd D@ lEt@^r "o:]


Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Keith Gaughan <kmgaughan@...>