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Re: Thorn in Finlaesk

From:Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>
Date:Sunday, September 16, 2007, 13:04
On 9/16/07, Paul Bennett <paul.w.bennett@...> wrote:
> My question is about representing /K/. Every /T/ in ON becomes /K/ in > Finlaesk, but not every /K/ comes from /T/. Bearing in mind that in this > AU, there is significantly more contact between East Norse and West Norse, > such that the sound /T/ itself will not be unknown (and may yet be > reintroduced via some borrowings and phonemic calques (is there a word for > this?)), does it make sense to write {thorn} for /K/?
I'm thinking of Faeroese, which has {edh} the letter but not /D/ the sound. I'm not sure whether that helps, though, since according to the little I know, it's written where etymologically justified (which would speak for {thorn} only for /K/ < /T/). Cheers, -- Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>