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Re: Atlantean Corpus

From:Thomas R. Wier <artabanos@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 10, 2001, 11:22
andrew wrote:

> Am 07/09 06:39 Thomas R. Wier yscrifef: > > > > > But apparently Michael J. Fox needed more help than the others. > > > > And he is Canadian, no? > > > > The presumption that it has anything to do with America, rather > > than with how English speakers in general would have to deal > > with their noticeably unphonemic orthography, is dubious IMHO. > > > Fox also suffers from a debilitating disease - Parkinson's disease I > believe. It could be that rather than he is North American which is why > he needed more help. It did lead him to retiring from Spin City.
Just in case I was misunderstood: I wasn't suggesting that his Canadianness was responsible for his needing more help than others. I agree with your analysis: that seems more likely for him in particular. It just seemed to me that the salient point about the system was not that it was American, but that it was Anglophone. =================================== Thomas Wier | AIM: trwier "Aspidi men Saiôn tis agalletai, hên para thamnôi entos amômêton kallipon ouk ethelôn; autos d' exephugon thanatou telos: aspis ekeinê erretô; exautês ktêsomai ou kakiô" - Arkhilokhos