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Re: disfluencies (was Re: English syllable structure)

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Friday, December 14, 2001, 10:28
En réponse à nicole dobrowolski <fuzzybluemonkeys@...>:

> > > exactly... it's hard enough translating thoughts from nicole to > english when i'm sitting in front of a computer typing, let alone > when there's a person standing there staring at me waiting for me to > come up with something to say and of course i can't come up with > anything to say because there's a person standing there staring at me > waiting for me to come with something to say and of course i can't > come up with anything to say because there's a... >
He he, I too don't think in any kind of spoken language really. So I know what it is. I often have the problem that I cannot explain my thoughts in any language, even my native tongue! Lack of words to explain the concepts that cross my mind. Usually, I remember after a while the word that corresponded to it, but the simple fact that I can think of a concept but cannot remember (even in my L1) to which word it corresponds proves that I don't think in words. This is for one person who pretend to speed thoughts up by engineering language, despite all the proofs we've sent him that thought speed and language were absolutely not related.
> > obconlang: does anyone have conlang equivilents to hesitation space > fillers like 'uh' or 'um'? >
Moten has 'sii' pronounced /si::/ (that's to say like English verb 'see', but longer). I've not thought of them in any other lang of mine though. Christophe. Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.