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Re: aspirated m?

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Saturday, November 27, 2004, 4:07
Benct Philip Jonsson scripsit:

> # In the transcription of Elvish Sindarin in The > # Lord of the Rings ll is used in the manner of modern > # Welsh for the medial voiceless l; as in mallorn < > # malhorn < malþorn < malt �)B��gold' and orn -A�)B��tree-A�)B��.
It's very unlikely that when JRRT wrote the L.R. and its appendixes, though, that he had any such pronunciation of "ll" in mind. -- "Your worships will perhaps be thinking John Cowan that it is an easy thing to blow up a dog? http:/ [Or] to write a book?" --Don Quixote, Introduction