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Re: MS-Word, Unicode, and IPA

From:Daniel A. Wier <dawier@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 27, 1999, 20:50

I have a few IPA fonts!  I got a bunch from the SIL site (they're called SIL
Sophia, Manuscript and Doulos -- Doulos is based on Times Roman while Sophia
is similar to Arial; Manuscript is Courier.  So you'd prefer Doulos if you
want serifs.  These are also traditional 8-bit fonts, no Unicode here.  Just
specify in your HTML document the name of the font you're using, and you're
in business.

These you can download from SIL's site; just follow the correct links.  Or I
can e-mail them to you.  Also, I got a font called IPAPhon, which is based
on Book Antiqua/Palatino (my personal favorite font).  Strange thing about
it is, you can make it bold or italic, but bold *and* italic results in a
bunch of special diacritics and rare symbols.  I forgot where I got this
font, but I bet it's available from Dr. Berlin's Font Archive.

Of course SIL's website is:

And Dr. Berlin:

Again, I'll e-mail them if you have any trouble downloading.


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