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Re: CHAT: ...y'know

From:Patrick Dunn <tb0pwd1@...>
Date:Monday, June 28, 1999, 21:44
On Mon, 28 Jun 1999, Steg Belsky wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Jun 1999 16:51:08 -0500 Patrick Dunn > <tb0pwd1@...> writes: > >I've also noticed a replacement of "said" with the forms "like" and > >"is > >all." For example: > > >"So I'm all, Get over it, and she's like, yeah, right, so I'm all, > >puhleaze, and she's all talk to the hand." > > > >--Patrick > > I've always heard this as "*was* like", with "be" in past tense - i.e. > "so she was like, 'hey, get away from me!' so i was like, > 'what-ever'...". > > > -Stephen (Steg) >
Here in Illinois, the narrative present is more popular than the past tense. You'll hear an awful lot of "so I says, so she says, so I says." "So I go to the store, and I buy a pan, and I take it home, and I'm all, 'shut up,' and he's all 'shut up,' so I hits him with it!" Imagine that at a speed of about 200 words a second, much of it through the nose (the closer you are to Iowa). --Patrick