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Re: Telona number system

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Sunday, March 2, 2003, 15:53
Mike Ellis wrote:

> Jonathan Knibb wrote: > > >Rather than give the whole system of rules, maybe it would be more fun > >just to list the first few numbers and let people work it out. > <snip> > > Quite the system! I've managed to discover the rules: 1-13, and 15 and 17, > have their own names.
Quite the system, indeed! I'm math-challenged, but here are some minor additional comments:
> Postposed _ala_ means "times two", _efen_ "times three", _ilcur_ "times > four", and _ilku_ "times five". There is also one instance of _eldena_ > which means "times six".
and eso 'x7', ildivi 'x9' and alta 'x10'-- these only co-occur with ca in 29, 37, 41 resp.
>The "phonological alternations" you mentioned are > evident in these words: ra - ala, pen - efen, sur - ilcur, chu - ilku.
I think there's also vowel harmony of sorts: if the *2 multiplier prefix is /Vl-/ (with affect on the following cons.), the V = i before base /i,u/, =e before /e,o/ and =a before /a/ The primes involve some modification too: 22: lali ala 23 ru [allali] (reverse base -multiplier) 46: [ru allàli 23] alá *2 47: ru [ilu alláli] (add mult.-- Vl-ru allali?) 30: vami ala 31 ru [alvami](reversed) 21: co efen (7*3) 43 ru [eso efén] (Vl-co efen) The various accents may be relevant. Actually in case of allali and alvami and ildivi it's unclear whether it's ru [mult-X] or ru [X ala reversed> Vl-X]-- it seems to work either way here. But the rule does seem to be "add the multiplier Vl- to the whole term" in 43 and 47.
> This takes care of most of the numbers. > The leftovers follow some odd rules. _ru_ seems to mean a function 2x+1: > _ru ildivi_ "two times divi (9), plus one" is 19; _ru alvami_ "two times > vami (15), plus one" is 31, etc.
Both ru and ca seem to serve only to create primes. There are also compounds with _ru_:
> 38 - ru ildìvi alá = ("ru" 9) times two
I veiw this as [ru ildivi 19]*2
> 43 - ru eso efén = "ru" 21 [21 being _co efen_] > 46 - ru allàli alá = ("ru" 11) times two
This is [ru allàli 23] ala*2 by my 47....
> Another function is found in _ca_, which is 4x+1: _ca ildivi_ "four times > divi (9), plus one".
I find that especially neat. ca eso 4*7 +1, ca alta 4 *10 +1. But would 53 by ca [Vl-tedith] 4*13+1or ru [tedith ala 26 or whatever it transforms to] 2*26+1?
> So all that is left is 25, _chu ede_. Since _chu_ is 5, I'd guess this is > simply "five squared".
So it seems. Presumably 49 would be co ede, et seq. But would 100 be tha ede? or something based on 25 or maybe 20-- chu alta? Would the structure of the terms be significant? generally [larger named factor, 7-12 13 15 17] times multiplier (Vl- plus smaller units 1-6, 9-- maybe 7, 10 in eso, alta though they only occur with ca). Is it possible to multiply by the larger factors too?-- how would one do 13*17 (well, ru [110] would be one way, if we knew 100)
> > >(And who can tell me what 1918 comes to in this system? :)) ) > > I can't figure that one out. Or perhaps I can with more time, but I really > want to post this first!
If we don't know 100, how can we find 1000? keep us posted. (Is this even a base-10 system, necessarily?) If by chance it's base-12, the year is '1918' is113A, but that still doesn't help. This system is truly wild. Perhaps I'll do something similar for the old Gwr base-8 system.


Joe <joe@...>
Joe <joe@...>