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Re: Ah-ha! New computer, YANC and fluency

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 12, 2000, 6:07
My wish list:

1. I'd like to try to become fluent in Saalangal, event hough there are
some bits i'm not to sure on how to properly construct (i've not had much
time to focus deeply, perhaps by summer).
2. I need to figure out just what direction I want to go for my personal
language. I didnt like the original incarnation, and I want to do
something different (perhaps something sounding like japanese...), but it
cant be personal unless I am somewhat fluent.
3. for a conlang not my own, Brithenig sounds most interesting to me, so
if I had the time i'd try learning a little in that.

1. Spanish. In fact I need to be fluent if I'm going to have a degree in
this. I'll probably have to go overseas (or down to mexico, they have some
programs down in the southern area of Mexico). I'm decent at writing,
listening depends on the accent (though with my current prof's heavy
Castillian accent (i think that's where he's from originally), i can
handle most of the other accents (his h's are really heavy and glottal
(someone compared it to coughing up something stuck in his throat), and he
has that "spanish lisp").
2. Tagalog. I'll probably not become fluent in this, but i'd like to
relearn what i lost.  Although i wish there were more material on
Hiligaynon, or even Aklanon (the dialects of "bisaya" that by grandparents
3. Bahasa Indonesia. Partly because it just seems interesting, and it just
looks cool.
4. Japanese. I have friends who have taken it. Though i've heard all their
gripes about how hard it is, it's just one of the prettiest natlangs.
Also, i'd like to learn how to write it.

perhaps in some future time, however......


 The rattan basket criticizes the palm leaf basket, still both are full of