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Re: Ah-ha! New computer, YANC and fluency

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 12, 2000, 5:08
M. Sherryandra Soderquist

> I just got a new, old 486 notebook computer (DOS!) just for the > express purpose of doing some writing and conlanging. This, of > course, has inspired me to start (Go ahead, say it. You know it's > coming.) Yet Another New Conlang. No details yet.
:) [...]
> I am not fluent in any of my languages. I used to know quite a > lot of ea-luna when I was keeping a diary in it, but that has > been quite a long time ago. Right now I am working on regaining > my fluency and literacy in Spanish. I have a list of conlangs on > my "Fluency Wish List". Here are my top 5 lists:
Well, for my wish list Conlangs: 1. fonno chleweye (Chleweyish): as it's suposed to be my personal language, and wouldn't be a personal language if I'm not a little fluent in it. 2. NGL: for mostly, the same reasons than Mia. 3. Rithian: my first (cryptic/personal) conlang... if I ever reconstruct it. 4. Brithenig... or some other conlang from a fellow list member... Tokana? Teonaht? 5. Hangkerimce: even if fluency in Hangkerim languages is not my goal, I feel I have to achieve some proficiency in order to realy understand their culture. Natlangs: 1. English: I mean, being as fluent in English as I'm in Spanish, or a little better in both of them. 2. Swedish: I really love this language and since I have begun to job in a Swedish owned company... 3. Colombian Signed Language: before I complete forget it and because is a neat and pretty descriptive language. 4. Japanese: as beginning with a non-IE spoken language, and since my parents are now living in Yokohama... 5. German: probably as a reaction against most people around me wanting to learn French or Italian as third language (and that's way neither French or Italian are in this wish list) -- Carlos Th