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Re: Ah-ha! New computer, YANC and fluency

Date:Friday, April 14, 2000, 20:11
Well, here's my list, for what it's worth:

1. jitihk zohsen-don (god, I need a less ugly name). Though there's not really
enough yet to be fluent in, it's my main conlang at the moment and I'm rather
curious as to how it would actually sound in conversation.

2. Quenya.  Because how can you not want to talk with elves?

3. Lojban or Loglan.  I am curious as to how a "logical language" would feel.

4. Talossan. Because I used to be a Portoclarian, and I want to know what the
scheming bastards are up to.

5. Esperanto.  Because I want to know if it can really be that easy.


1. Welsh. It's beautiful, and I'd like to reverse the current backsliding state
of my knowledge of it. Did I mention that it's beautiful?

2. Old English. It might just be as beautiful as Welsh. And to read Beowulf in
the original...ahh....

3. Tibetan.  It has a great script and appeals to me for some reason beyond my ken.

4. Romani. (?) It's obscure and dying and spoken by vagabonds and wanderers. What
more could you want?

5. Latin. Because, despite my general distaste for things classical, it has its
own sort of beauty and logic, and because it would be great fun to use when
conversing with the sort of people who assume that because I am employed in
physical labor I have an IQ below room temperature and am probably illiterate
to boot.

eli .
gone to croatan