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Re: Morning Prayer in Jases Lalal

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Thursday, March 11, 2004, 3:18
Michael Poxon/ John Leland wrote:
> > O heavenly king, o comforter, the spirit of truth which art in all
> and > > fillest all things, the treasure of blessings and giver of life, come
> > abide in us. Cleanse us of all impurities and of thy goodness save our > souls." >
It has just struck me that this is very similar to the prayer that opened the Communion service in the 1928 Episcopal prayer book (I don't know if it's still used in the modrunized version)-- anyhow it's one of my favorites---- Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Thy holy spirit, that we may perfectly love Thee and worthily magnify Thy holy name.