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Re: LaTeX / Metafont was Re: Arabic transliteration

From:H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>
Date:Monday, November 18, 2002, 16:39
On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 11:18:38PM +0100, Christophe Grandsire wrote:

> I agree with everything you say. But then, there's also the fact that > you don't cut meat with an industrial saw :)) . Translated, it means > that for a one-page project, using monsters like LaTeX, for how nice it > is (and I love it!) is a bit exaggerated and wastes time rather than > winning it (although I like writing my letters in LaTeX.
Well, to me, it's more like cutting steak with a toy knife. :-) I prefer to eat steak with a *real* knife, thank you very much. :-)
> But I made a template in order not to lose too much time :)) ). For > five-liners, a WYSIWYG editor is quite enough :)) .
Nah. I routinely to one-page documents with LaTeX. It looks more professional, and I don't spend/waste very much time at all, since I just use templates or copy-and-paste common LaTeX macros from my other LaTeX documents. I definitely do NOT like WYSIAYG editors; recent ones are esp. annoying in assuming they know what you want (and get it wrong, and then you waste time trying to undo what it shouldn't have done in the first place). I hate software that tries to be "smart" when the user knows better. And for five-liners... plaintext is perfectly good. Why waste 10KB of disk space when 400 bytes would do? :-)
> > <joke> Misguided sheep, all of you. Pico forever!! ;-) </joke> > > > > Think about Windows-harassed people please :((( .
You mean, UNIX-challenged people? :-P
> I use Winshell personally (but on Linux, I'm strongly a X-Emacs person. > Sorry, but I still prefer a GUI to a command line :)) ).
[snip] Ugh. If you're on Windows, do yourself a favor and install EditPlus ( It's WAY better than notepad or wordpad or any of the other monstrosities that ships with Windows. You'll love plain text more than you ever imagine you could once you get comfortable using EditPlus. To steal an analogy from a coworker, it's like the difference between refugee camp and a real residence. :-) T -- Not all rumours are as misleading as this one.


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>