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Re: Is this a realistic phonology?

From:Sahla Autumn Yasmin Ajinqwai <wp@...>
Date:Monday, March 8, 1999, 19:15
On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, BP Jonsson wrote:

> It would be realistic if *all* of /ptk/ lose their aspiration after > /s/. That front vowels alone should have a voicing effect looks not > very realistic IMHO. That /k/ would become voiced in certain contexts > in a lang that has no /g/ phoneme is very realistic, but the context > itself is unrealistic; voicing between vowels or between voiced sounds > generally would be more realistic.
Yeah, I've gotten that :) I think that the influence on voicing is the relative length of the preceeding syllable. More realistic? For some reason /pt/ are not attested after /s/ within a syllable.
> > >> [q] is a voiceless post-velar stop initially, except before front > > vowels, where it is an ingressive post-velar /`q/. Medially, it is a > > voiced post-velar fricative /H/. > > As for voicing in certain context the same applies as for /k/.
I was wrong. /q/ is always ingressive and voiced initally. Both /q/ and /k/ seem to advance before and after front vowels. I was hearing myself wrong :) The /q/ does become basically a voiced /h/ medially. Is this unrealistic?
> > # Does the [bb],[z],[q] series seem unlikely to have evolved? > > No, except that an alveolar *ejective* wd perhaps be more realistic > than a click, in the context.
What is an ejective?
> Since you doesn't seem to use the letter {v}, why not use it instead > of the {eh} digraph
Aesthetics :) Thanks Much, yasmin.