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Re: Passive and active....

From:FFlores <fflores@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 28, 1999, 1:27
Barry Garcia <Barry_Garcia@...> wrote:
> > So, how do all of your languages handle active and passive voice, if at > all?
I'm partial towards marking voice in verbs, probably because using a simple 'to be + participle' construction looks unexotic (to me, that is). In Draseléq, I have both passive and middle voice marked in the verb, creating a new stem: nai(l)- 'to see' > nailim(b)- 'to be seen' For Wamen, which I'm now developing, I use a direct/inverse mark on the verb. Direct means the subject is the topic, and inverse means the object is the topic (don't know yet what happens to obliques, but there won't be another mark, so it's not going to be a traditional trigger-focus system): Aar ema sama. dad mom look.DIR 'Dad looks at mom.' Aar ema samur. dad mom look.INV 'Mom looks at dad.' (or better, 'It is dad whom mom looks at.') There's no special emphasis on the subject in direct-verb sentences; maybe I'll use a topic marker -- but I don't want it to be a Japanese clone. --Pablo Flores