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Re: An "original" observation

From:Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 6:12
--- On Tue, 11/18/08, Herman Miller <hmiller@...> wrote:

> From: Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
> I noticed a quirk of the English word "original" > that relates to the two classes of "adjectives" in > Tirelat. "Original" has (at least) two different > meanings in English: one answering the question "what > kind of?" (i.e., novel, imaginative), and the other one > answering the question "which one?" (i.e. the one > that came first).
Interesting. I notice also that when not answering a question the distinction is made by the choice of article: "an original manuscript" vs "the original manuscript". --gary


John Campbell <campbell.2006@...>