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USAGE: Shavian: was Re: USAGE: Con-graphies

From:Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...>
Date:Friday, June 9, 2006, 19:39
--- Philip Newton <philip.newton@...> wrote:

> > It's hard to know how many friends the Shaw alphabet > has. Some of them > are on the Shaw alphabet Yahoo Groups mailing list, > but even there, > attitudes are diverse, and there aren't that many > regulars (less than > a dozen, I'd say). Come and join us, though! (Don't > join the 'Shavian' > Y!G, though -- its moderator is AWOL and so it's > become somewhat > spam-infested. Nearly everyone who used to read it > moved to > 'shawalphabet'.) > > Cheers, > -- > Philip Newton <philip.newton@...> >
I first learned Shavian around 1962 or 1963 and became quite fluent in it. The biggest problem I had with the various Shavian groups on the Internet is what I came to see as the biggest flaw in Shavian itself. I could clearly discern the accent or dialect in which the writer spoke. I found it annoying to read Poe written with a British accent. He is, after all, an American author, and his stuff should be written in an American accent. Ultimately, the reason I lost interest in Shavian is that it doesn't record "the language", but records a particular spoken dialect of the language. Spelling can be either standardized OR phonetic, but it can never be both, and given that choice I think I would opt for standardized non-phonetic over phonetic but non-standardized every time. It's just so much easier to read, fluently, a standardized spelling than to get bogged down puzzling over what some word might be because the writer, a native German living in Boston spelled it with his own idiosyncratic blend of German and Bostonian accents. A pox on phonetic spelling! --gary

