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Re: CHAT: Lg prefs (was: Re: Blandness)

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Friday, April 6, 2001, 2:34
>I've never liked the sound of the (modern) Romance languages. But there >may be some bias against Spanish. Not against Spanish speaking people. But >In my high school we had a choice of Spanish, German, or French. 90% of >the people took Spanish. Consequently, since I didn't like 90% of the >people in my high school I tried to take anything else (which turnrd out >to be German after a spectacularly unsuccesful initial effort at French). >They made fun of the six of us in German class, called us Nazis and such. >So Spanish always sounds like the language of all the people in my high >school I thankfully don't have to spend time with any more.
Odd, very odd. I cant comprehend that kind of attitude. In my HS, people took german, french, spanish, or italian. No one ever had any associations with any of the languages like that. It was just something you took for the requirements.