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Re: interlineal text for the web

From:Fabian <rhialto@...>
Date:Sunday, June 6, 1999, 9:13
>It's a pity though, that I can't use a proportional font >in my html, since most people will use that awful courier >as their non-proportional font in their browser, and my >grammar will look hideous. (I use Lucida and Lucida Typewriter >myself.)
OK, you can't specify a proportional font, but there are plenty of ways to make a decent proportional font appear. My favourite method is stylesheets. Put the following lines in your header: BODY { font-family: gill, helvetica, sans-serif } <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> PRE { color : blue; font-family : lucida, monospace; } </STYLE> Any <PRE> text will now appear in a lucida font if available, or in the default monospace if not. Things can get quite comlex with styelsheet definitions if you play around with them. I would give you an url, but that is mising from this info file, although I cannot recommend it enough. ps: msie4+ must be on your computer, and possibly also MS html help workshop (both free). The second might not be necessary if you have msie5. --- Fabian Rule One: Question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable, eff the ineffable, think the unthinkable, and screw the inscrutable.