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Re: Mixed scripts, typesetting

From:Arnt Richard Johansen <arj@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 21, 2003, 13:06
On Wed, 21 May 2003 tk1@DESPAMMED.COM wrote:

> In a fit of boredom, I came up with a mixed script (a la Japanese) for > Lojban (I know, it's not as great a feat as many of the conlanging > experiments mentioned on this list). It currently looks like this: > >
Oh, that's very cool! Is that Manchu/Mongolian acting as furigana on Chinese characters? I suppose that must be *very* difficult to typeset indeed, inasmuch as only Japanese uses furigana to a large degree, and software that supports that kind of thing, is probably hardwired to use *only* kana and kanji. I would have researched LaTeX and its macro packages, though. It is very flexible, and supports many different scripts, but I think making it output vertical writing might be the biggest challenge. What does the example say, by the way? -- Arnt Richard Johansen Clientside scripting has its place. Its place happens to be somewhere in the lower circles of Hell, but it has it. --heard on IRC


Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>