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Re: Interesting concultural ideas

From:Jörg Rhiemeier <joerg.rhiemeier@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 4, 2001, 20:36
Dan Seriff <microtonal@...> wrote:

> Has anyone contemplated (or implemented) having a conculture based on a > celestial body other than a globe?
A friend of mine once designed a world in the shape of an icosahedron. Along the edges were either enormous mountain ranges or violently stormy stretches of ocean, thus it was quite hazardous to get from one facet to another. This meant that there was very little contact between the facets. I don't know, though, whether each facet had its own species of sentient beings or not, but that would be an obvious possibility in such a world. Most people lived somewhere in the middle of a facet and believed that the world they lived in was flat. The project was never completed, though; he never went past drawing maps for two or three facets, or so. Jörg.


Anton Sherwood <bronto@...>Boxworld, was: Interesting concultural ideas