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Re: Weekly Vocab 30 in Kash

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Thursday, December 11, 2003, 3:35
Ooh, with minor paraphrases, an easy one!!

1. oil (for cooking) -- umu
If I'm to bake today, I need some oil.
pun melo (~poro) matoço letrayu, pitami umu
if  want (~going to) I-bake today, need-my oil

2. shop (noun)-- tongi
There's a shop down the road.
yale tongi ratu-vaha
there-is shop street-downwards (idiom)

3. to stroll-- harakaran, redup. of haran 'walk'
I stroll towards it.
maharakaran ri vunuweni
I-stroll LOC direction/dat/its

4. flood-- rowak (IIRC < ruwi+raka 'current big'
A flood springs up and blocks the road.
cakrata rowak, ratuni cakavingas
ACCID-come flood, street/def ACCID-blocked

5. another-- liya
I turn to take another route
maçumaçan vara vunu liya
I-change-course in-order-to direction other
(elliptical, ought to be ...vara minja vunu liya 'in order to seek' ...
çumaçan 'change course' is an old maritime usage; I don't yet have a proper
verb for simple 'turn, i.e. left or right')

6. to split-- cakunjo ACCID form of kunjo 'divide'
The earth splits beneath my feet, but I [can] jump across just in time.
cakunjo hinda ri vaka ekarambi, mo pole necu ri andopraye titanju
split  earth LOC under feet-my, but can jump LOC other-side/dat. just-then

7. to bleed-- lukut (< luhu 'blood')
I fell, though, and now my shin is bleeding.
me cakaníp mowa, i tanju acemi yalukut
me/dat ACCID-slip&fall but, and now leg-my it-bleeds

8. to continue -- lusok 'follow' + another verb
malusok maharan ri vunuweni tongi
I-follow I-walk LOC direction/dat/its shop

9. army -- añaçaram (not too good, implies the entire armed forces)
The army stands to prevent access to the shop.
añaçaram ritan yavingas re mayundet tongi yu
army  there it-blocks THAT I-enter shop that
(Note-- for once!-- we can't make tongi definite with -ni-- that would mean
it was the army's shop)

10. to run -- yama
I run in regardless, grab the oil, fling some money on the counter [=at the
shopkeeper], and run back out!
mayamapo onde, çuña umuni, firo ketongiye toyeni, yama opor cis
I-run-just  inside, grap oil-its/the, toss shopkeeper/dat. money-his/the,
run outside again

11. home -- go/return home = lumbak
But now I can't get home past [=because of] the flood and ravine.
mowa tanju ta pole lumbak ombi alo rowaki (i) tipuraki
but now not can go-home because from flood/gen. (and)
ravine/gen. (it sounds much better without the _i_ 'and')

This produced two new words that had bothered me for some time:
1.enter/go~come in:  ciyundet, colloq. yundet, somehow a mish-mash of cosa
ri onde 'go to inside'
2. exit/go~come out:  ciyombot, colloq. yombot, mish-mash of cosa ri opor
'go to outside'
Both require a human (or at least animate) subject, and the object must be a
house/room/building vel. sim.
Other usages of 'enter'-- 'the knife entered his chest', 'worms entered his
liver' need a verb like 'penetrate', which we're still worrying about.