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Re: CHAT: Finally! My conlang is now up on the Web...

From:Irina Rempt <ira@...>
Date:Thursday, October 19, 2000, 16:23
On Thu, 19 Oct 2000 Togonakamane@AOL.COM wrote:

> How exactly do you put a table up on the web that you made in, say, word? I > do not relish the idea of having to make those little "tr/td" tags for my > entire lexicon in both directions, so I've been stalling.
Export it as HTML, open the HTML file as text and delete everything that looks like it's not doing anything, which will be about 60% of the file. You *can* put the resulting HTML file on the web uncleaned, but there will be a lot of garbage in it that makes it load slower. Or write a macro to insert tags as text and export the file as plain text, which is probably much less work. Irina -- Varsinen an laynynay, saraz no arlet rastynay. (myself)