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Re: CHAT: Finally! My conlang is now up on the Web...

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Sunday, October 8, 2000, 2:58
>I do all my stuff in Homesite. It has all the simplicity of notepad -- >ie, >no unwanted formating -- but allows me to insert my HTML tags at the click >of a button. It also has some wonderful search-and-replace features that >are much faster and allow me to be more specific than anything provided >for >by any of the WYSIWYG programs. (A couple months ago I reformatted more >than 3000 individual lines in under 6 minutes!) > > >That's another thing Homesite does: it has tabs on the screen to toggle >between text, browser, and WYSIWYG modes, so you don't need to have >another >program loaded.
I think I may have to check this program out. I use composer because it's pretty simple to use.
> > >Once you are familiar with the HTML code, doing tables by hand is faster >than in Word and easier to edit (ie, new cells, rows, columns, different >formats in individual cells, etc).
I dont know, using word to do the tables was pretty easy. just draw up the basic design, then used the draw table option to draw it all out.
> > >I generally don't use any background for the main part of the content, and >only simple coloring for the less important parts - like the top of the >page.
Well, my pages on Saalangal have a simple geometric design for the back ground that is a few shades lighter than the rest of the background. It's noticeable, but gives a little visual interest. Other than that, I dont have any images. The main page is a solid color.
> > >Hmm. My computer is right on my desk, and I only shut it down when I go to >sleep, so calling up the entry in the database is just as quick as looking >it up by hand.
True, it's easy to call things up fromt he database, but my computer is a 3 year old relic (doesnt even have USB ports, and just 1.86 GB of space), so it's often slow, especially if I have several of my pages open and I am trying to do a translation.
> > > >I do that too. Scraps of paper don't last long in my "filing system" so >they have to be input into the computer very quickly. I've lost a couple >nice words by not being fast enough. :(
I have no filing system :). I write things down, then they get lost with all the other papers i have in my room ;). Also, I save trees and space by using my computer to store everything.