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Re: CHAT: Finally! My conlang is now up on the Web...

From:H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>
Date:Saturday, October 7, 2000, 1:39
On Fri, Oct 06, 2000 at 05:57:26PM -0700, Sally Caves wrote:
> You put all this up way fast. You must use dreamweaver or > Netscape Composer? I do everything by hand, and need a > short cut. GoLive?
[snip] Hah! I *shun* those tools :-P I'm one of those stubborn, die-hard people who think that most of the web nowadays is too bloated... so yes, I coded it all by hand. The only reason I did it apparently so fast is because that's how I've been developing my conlang all along! :-P You're seeing the HTML written over the span of about 2 months. I find bits of paper too hard to keep track of and too easy to lose, so I thought, why not spend a little extra effort in putting everything into HTML, and have my stuff in an easy-to-manage form. T