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Re: CHAT: Finally! My conlang is now up on the Web...

From:Jörg Rhiemeier <joerg.rhiemeier@...>
Date:Saturday, October 7, 2000, 22:08
"H. S. Teoh" wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 06, 2000 at 05:57:26PM -0700, Sally Caves wrote: > > You put all this up way fast. You must use dreamweaver or > > Netscape Composer? I do everything by hand, and need a > > short cut. GoLive? > [snip] > > Hah! I *shun* those tools :-P I'm one of those stubborn, die-hard people > who think that most of the web nowadays is too bloated... so yes, I coded > it all by hand. The only reason I did it apparently so fast is because > that's how I've been developing my conlang all along! :-P You're seeing > the HTML written over the span of about 2 months. I find bits of paper too > hard to keep track of and too easy to lose, so I thought, why not spend a > little extra effort in putting everything into HTML, and have my stuff in > an easy-to-manage form.
It's the same to me, regarding both points. I also do all HTML coding by hand, and I am also one of "those stubborn, die-hard people" who still place content over flashy look. And I also prefer doing my write-ups on the computer and find nots on paper hard to manage. They get messed up and lost all too soon. (Not that my computer files would not get messed up. They do. But at least, they don't get lost. Just badly organized. And there are lots of versions of many things I can't decide which one is the authoritative one.) And when I am at it to type the stuff into the computer, I often happen to insert the HTML mark-up on the way. Not much more effort, and if the stuff is made to be eventually put on the web, anyway... In fact, my grammar of Nur-ellen has never existed in any other format than HTML (though it is not on the web yet). Same to my other (low priority) conlang projects. I do not work entirely paperless, but its only small, rough notes I do on paper. Jörg.