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Re: CHAT: Finally! My conlang is now up on the Web...

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Sunday, October 8, 2000, 21:20
Irina Rempt wrote:

> I made my first table in Word, and when I opened that in a text > editor I saw how much junk it had put in (both the superfluous kind > and the openly hostile kind). That was the moment that I decided to > do everything by hand: it's less work than cleaning up what Word > leaves behind.
And how! If I may add to this thread, allow me to promote a software program that has made encoding html by hand very easy: "NoteTabPro." You can download it for about thirty-five bucks. It doesn't add any junk to your file, and it allows you to create macros so that you aren't at least typing every open and closed bracket. I have short cuts for italics <i></i>; for bold <b></b>; for center <center></center>; for keyboard <kbd></kbd>; for new paragraph <p>; for space <&nbsp>; for all the diacritical marks, for table commands, and countless other things. However it isn't a page designer like DreamWeaver or GoLive!; you still have to visualize your work, but you can so easily check it by hitting the "browser" button, which will call up your Netscape (or Internet Explorer) browser WITHOUT your having to be on-line. It also color codes your commands, making them easy to find on the page. I swear by it. Me, I'm really interested in getting into page-making, and I've bought Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I'm the opposite of some of you folks who aver to "simple" tastes, and plain looks. My own pages are as baroque as Teonaht, as you might have noticed; they strike me as unsophisticated and the graphics files too large, and a major goal when I can get the time is to change some of them and stream-line them. With Photoshop, if I ever have the time to master it, I can reduce the pixel sizes and do more sophisticated things with the images (overlays and transparencies for instance). At least this is my dream... I want to have exciting looks to my pages, and exercise my strong need to be artistic, and yet have them load easily and quickly. If I get good at it, I hope to make it a skill I can market. (read that as: "need money to support my habits") For this dream, I will probably have to use a time-saving program like DreamWeaver. Problem: having enough time while university is in session to work at it. I'm so sorry to be so late with the Bast Translation Relay. School and publishing and teaching demands hit me, and the hardest part of the whole thing was imputting all the interlinear stuff... by hand. It's coming along, though. What does anybody know about Bryce? It's an image-making software system that is supposed to allow you to make extremely sophisticated computer images.
> I've recently taught myself to do frames now I'm doing the website > for the local Council of Churches, but I don't think I'll use them > for my own pages. I don't need fancy navigation (yet) and there's > nothing, except that, which I can't do with what I'm using now.
That's the ticket. Getting word to the community that you are a pagemaker. Sally ========================================================== "The gods have retractible claws." from _The Gospel of Bastet_ ============================================================