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Re: Good/Beneficient (was: More Nyenya'a)

From:William Annis <annis@...>
Date:Sunday, October 21, 2001, 2:34
 >From: David Peterson <DigitalScream@...>
 >In a message dated 10/20/01 7:07:52 PM, annis@BIOSTAT.WISC.EDU writes:
 ><< Every sura of the Qur'aan but one starts with this. >>
 >    Really?  Which one?  Is it more important than the others?

        I should have known someone would ask this.  My first guess
was that it was one of the wee ones at the end.  I was wrong.  It's
Surat al-baraa'at, "The Immunity," Sura 9.  It's not very wee at all.
It is, however, taken not to be a real "chapter" so much as a lengthy
continuation of the previous chapter, at least according to Maulana
Muhammad Ali, the translator of my dual-language copy of the Qur'aan.

        He has a lengthy dicussion on the difficulties of ar-rahmaan
and ar-raHiim, though, but I'm really not up to typing that out right
now.  He may be responsible for  the conventional English
translation of those, though... the first edition is 1917.



Eric Christopherson <rakko@...>