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Nattiki (was: Re : New Conlanger)

From:JOEL MATTHEW PEARSON <mpearson@...>
Date:Friday, May 14, 1999, 23:52
Mathias wrote:

> << bob = currently doing (prefix) >> > > Funny : "bob" was the aspectual mark of the class-conlang someone on the list > (can't remember who) told us recently.
Yes, the language is Nattiki, which my students (in an honours Intro to Linguistics class) are currently inventing (under my guidance). The prefix "bob-" is indeed indeed used to mark the present progressive: chee "run" bobchee "is running" Incidentally, we made up some subject and object agreement morphemes today. Some examples: ichee "I run" nachee "you run" chee "s/he runs" fochee "we run" zichee "you (pl) run" techee "they run" chee dezeetem "the child runs" techee dezeetem "the children run" chaloo "love" ichaloo'oni "I love you" ichalooeo "I love him/her" ichaloodo "I love you (pl)" ichaloozet "I love them" didmatem "dog (nominative)" didmalatem "my dog" didmaonitem "your dog" didmaeotem "his/her dog" didmaeptem "our dog" didmadotem "your (pl) dog" didmazettem "their dog" Just for the hell of it, some example sentences to show you how the language is progressing: bobnesabu putaakatem Prog-sing hamster-Nom "The hamster is singing" teoshooan ooguop meeliiop 3p-Pst-drink sour-Acc milk-Acc "They drank the sour milk" olhuk tushop keetem Pst-cut bread-Acc boy-Nom "The boy cut the bread" iboblhag dutchuulaop 1s-Prog-talk-to boyfriend-1s-Acc "I am talking to my boyfriend" boblhagla dutchuulatem Prog-talk-to-1s boyfriend-1s-Nom "My boyfriend is talking to me" shulhomapo guuop ka pacheeop dabetop dezeetem Fut-give book-Acc to obese-Acc doctor-Acc child-Nom "The child will give the book to the obese doctors" iolhomapozet ka didmaop 1s-Pst-give-3p to dog-Acc "I gave them to the dog" tebaafa kan dee och dezeezettem dabettem 3p-know that is genius child-3p-Nom doctor-Nom "The doctors know that their child is a genius" ibobgenaa ka biifaop wadjaop 1s-Prog-go to large-Acc house-Acc "I am going to the large house" teolhaalho po kuuhuop shimwoop 3p-Pst-return from beautiful-Acc country-Acc "They returned from a beautiful country" foshukabe guuop bap shiiop daataop 1p-Fut-put book-Acc in blue-Acc box-Acc "We will put the books in the blue box" oembalu chonaop didmaop keetem Pst-hug old-Acc dog-Acc boy-Nom "The boy hugged the old dog" baakatem oembalu chonaop didmaop? who-Nom Pst-hug old-Acc dog-Acc "Who hugged the old dog?" kej teshujeeta kuumajalaatem? when 3p-Fut-eat-lunch elephant-Nom "When will the elephants eat lunch?" ogiishuula keetem baakatem oembalu didmaop Pst-visit-1s boy-Nom who-Nom Pst-hug dog-Acc "The boy who hugged the dog visited me" Note that the vocabulary was made up entirely by the students, while the grammatical features of the language were either devised by me, or (in most cases) randomly determined by spinning a wheel. E.g., we decided on the inventory of sounds for the language by spinning the wheel to determine what sets of stops, fricatives, vowels, affricates, etc., would be included. You'll notice from the above examples that Nattiki has the following characteristics: -- Basic word order is VOS -- Nouns are marked for case (Nominative vs. Accusative) -- Adjectives precede the noun, and are also marked for case -- There are no pronouns, only agreement affixes on the verb -- Subject agreement is marked by prefixes -- Tense is marked by prefixes -- Object agreement and possession are marked by suffixes -- There is no singular/plural marking on nouns -- There are no articles ("a", "the") -- Wh-words move to the front of the sentence in questions -- Relative clauses have a wh-question-like structure (a la French or English) That's enough for now. I'll report more later. Matt.