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Re: How Does This Look? (Sound Changes)

From:David Peterson <thatbluecat@...>
Date:Thursday, August 28, 2003, 20:57
Bob wrote:

<< kxha-no na > kxhanwa-na > kha:nuna > khanon > khanën-ï > ka:nni > ka:nte>>

For me, a list of sound change rules would be easier.  Anyway:

Sound Change 1: Why is the first /na/ not attached? Was it a separate word? As to
the change, I've heard of diphthongs with /o/ going to [wa], but never /o/ by
itself--especially not in medial position.

Sound Change 2: I've never heard of deaffrication causing compensatory vowel
lengthening, nor /wa/ > [u]. I could see /n/ > [N]...

Sound Change 3: Perfectly fine.

Sound Change 4: I don't know what the /e/ with the dots over it means. In Russian,
it's [jO]. Also, is the dotted /i/ an inflectional affix, or something that was
permanently added, like a nominative case ending, or noun class suffix? Anyway,
if it was added (and presuming it sounds something like [i]), then I can see it
fronting the /o/ to become /2/.

Sound Change 5: I don't know about the vowel lengthening, since you already have a
long consonant in /nn/.

Sound Change 6: /i/ > [e] is fine, of course, and while I've never heard of /nn/ >
[nt], for some reason, it seems plausible... Has anyone heard of this kind of
sound change?
