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Re: A question and introduction

From:Mischa! Rosado <firenymph08@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 12, 2002, 20:37
Will you tell us something more about it? Is it based on some other,
existing language or is everything completely and utterly new?
What is its name?
Does it have some "special" features?
Is there a conculture involved? Etc.

Well, it is still very much in the making, but I can tell you a few things
about it.  Its name is Lieronien, or "dancing with words", which is, I
suppose, the closest translation.  I'm trying to make it a very flowing
language, and fun to speak.  It isn't based on any existing language, I made
up everything.  The symbols are written from right to left, and I think they
look kinda cool, lol.  What do you mean by special features??  There is a
culture involved, but I"m still trying to figure out exactly how I want them
to be.


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>