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Re: A question and introduction

From:Carlos Thompson <chlewey@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 11, 2002, 5:28
Mischa! Rosado wrote:

> Hey everyone. I'm new to this, in a way, I've been reading your
emails for a
> while but haven't said anything yet. My name is Mischa, and I'm
creating a
> language. But now I need some help! =) How would one go about
> names into their language? I can figure pretty much everything else
out for
> myself, but this is giving me grief. Thanks
Here is a little essay on how naming is handled in Tokcir/NGL. This may give you an idea on how you could translate languages. Naming. While it is common practice in the modern word that people with Latin script like to keep their names unchanged orthographically into foreign languages that use Latin scripts, there are several reasons a proper name would or should be NGLized. The main of the reasons is to provide the monoglot Nulas a name they can mangle. The main sources to have native Tokcir names or NGLized names is for geographical references (physical accidents, countries, etc.), historical references (name of historical characters, including mythology), etc. Common people that interact with other Tokcir speakers might chose to have a Tokcir name or to NGLize their names, also. A Tokcir or NGLized name should conform to the phonology and constrains of Tokcir. This includes that no word would begin or end in two or more vowels or two or more consonants, and no word should have groupings of more than two vowels in a row or more than two consonants in a row. Where the vowels are: {i e a o u} and the consonants are {m p b f v w n t d s r l c j x z y k g ' h}. Firstly: A name is a word that refers to one particular instance of a concept, this include the given name of a person, a first name-last name combination with a title, the short name of a country, the official name of a country, certain acronyms, the name of a mountain or a river, the title of a book or a movie, the names of months and languages, etc. Certain names should always be capitalized, like names of Geographical instances and personal names. Style should determinate if other names would be capitalized. Some names would be plain Tokcir words taken as names, like the title of a book or the regular names of the months ({olnasu}), other would be unique words. Neither capitalization or the use of unique words would determine a name. A name would act as a nominal phrase, and as such is susceptible to decline for case or to be preceded by a preposition. There is no requirement that a name will be univocal with the instance it refers. If {Carles} is a name, several people might share that name, and any particular {Carles} might have another name. 1 The process of naming. Naming is something a Nula does. By Nula is meant either a native Tokcir speaker, an L2 Tokcir speaker or any conlanger (or non-conlanger) who is aware of the rules of Tokcir and the philosophy of the NGL project. A naming is complete when the name is accepted by the Nula community as something they agree to refer to the named instance. This is basically made when a naming proposal is seconded, is not objected and has some use in the language corpus. A name may be changed if a better authority suggest a better name and the Nula community accept the proposed change. 2 The philosophy of naming. While the Nula community might decide to give an arbitrary name to a particular instance, when naming something some people might have any kind of attachment, some considerations should be taken to the will of that people. For example when naming a country, the person doing the naming should not use something her nationals feel offensive. When the named thing or their representatives express their desire this desired should be taken. 2.1 Countries and Geographical instances. The local name should be the first source of inspiration, by local is meant the way most inhabitants refer to the given instance. Either by direct phonological borrowing or by etymological borrowing. 2.2 Historical characters The language they used in their public life should be the first source of inspiration. If this is not available, the language of the people who firstly place them in the history books. Either by direct borrowing or by etymological borrowing. i.e. Kings of England would use their name borrowed from English or Norman French. Observation: the European culture has used to translate names as they are recognized as the same name following different paths of derivation, like Greek's Io'annen, Latin's Ioannem, English' John, French' Jean, Italian's Giovanni, Spanish' Juan, etc. If desired, a common standard for such names might be used. i.e. Kings of England would use an standardized form of their names. 2.3 Mythological characters The name they were given in the languages they are firstly known should be the first source of inspiration. Either by direct borrowing or by etymological borrowing. i.e. Greek deities would use their name borrowed from Classical Greek. 2.4 Time references When using time references from a particular calendar and the naming Nula may not want to use a systematic way like {olnasu}. The Nula would then take as inspiration a language intimately related to such calendar and then take a direct or etymological borrowing. i.e. The months of the Hebrew calendar would be phonemically borrowed from Hebrew while the years of the Chinese calendar would translate the name of the animal. 3 Naming by borrowing. One of the ways to name someone or something is to borrow its/his/her name from the original source, according to the criteria above. The preferred way to borrow is by phonological borrowing (I can't find this rules, but I will summarize them). In certain circumstances, however, an orthographic borrowing might be preferred, or an orthographic driven decision. The other 3.1 Phonological borrowing. The name in the inspiring language is taken, i.e. New York. The sound in the inspiring language (English this time) is taken /nju: jO@*k/, alternatively a local dialectal form might be preferred [nu: jO:k] (1). Each sound is then mapped to the closest phoneme in Tokcir: /n/ > {n}, /j/ > {y}, /u:/ > {u}, /O/ > {o}, /@*/ > {r} (2), /k/ > {k}. So the variants {nyuyork} and {nuyok} arise. (1) if /nju: jO@*k/ and [nu: jO:k] are not the correct pronunciations, lets ignore them for sake of the example. This is not a proposal to name New York. (2) Probably a Nula would listen /@*/ (r colored schwa) as {a}, however the transcriptor might judge that the rhoticity is and important feature that should be preserved. Usually each source language would define the exact rules on how a morpheme or morpheme group should be translated into Tokcir phonology. If the resulting word is illegal in Tokcir, the illegalities must be broken. In the {nyuyork} example {ny} is illegal in the beginning of a word, as {rk} is illegal at the end. For breaking illegal clusters: First: eliminate any phoneme that might not be important. For example, the naming Nula might judge the {y} in {ny} is not meaningfull (after all, New Yorkers do not pronounce it). But if the naming Nula want to conserve the "Standard American" feeling, this would not be suppressed. Second: change a vowel for a consonant or a consonant for a vowel. In the example the {y} in {ny} might be changed to {i} and the {r} to {a} given: {Niuyoak}, a legal word. Note that this {i} should not be stressed and the stress mark becomes obligatory {Niùyoak} or {Niuyòak}. Third: insert and epenthetic sound. This should break an illegal consonant cluster by inserting a stressless vowel or an illegal vowel cluster by inserting a glottal stop. Word beginning double consonants are made legal by either adding {e`} before or {u`} in the middle of the cluster. Word final double consonants are made legal by adding {a} (3) at the end of a word. Using this rules {nyuyork} becomes {Enyùyorka} or {Nuyùyorka}. (3) I am tempted to propose that, when transcribing names of people, a final epenthetic {o} might be preferred for men rather than {a}. /karl/
> {Karlo}. This would be used mainly when a _common_ female name might
conflict ({Karla}). The stress might be borrowed or not, according to the criteria of the Nula. If the stress is not borrowed this should fall in the first, non epenthetic vowel, and should be marked if there is an epenthetic vowel before. Otherwise the stress should fall in the place the primary stress falls in the inspiring language. i.e. Caracas might be borrowed as {Karakas} or as {Karàkas}. The first variant would sound more Tokcirish while the second would be closer to the Spanish original. When the original name is formed by more than one word in the inspiring language, the naming Nula should decide if the Tokcir name should become separate words {Nu Yorka} or one word {Nuyorka}. 3.2 Orthographical borrowing. Sometimes the Nula might not feel comfortable with a phonological borrowing, either because the naming Nula does not now the original pronunciation or because she/he has a strong feeling in preserving orthography. This orthographical borrowing has two main flavors: strict orthographical borrowing or loose. The strict orthographical borrowing would not attempt to break any illegal cluster, nor to change the value of any single letter: "New York" > {New York}. The loose orthographical borrowing will correct illegal clusters and might change a few letters: "New York" > {New Yorka} or {New Yoak}. Note that in an orthographical borrowing the monoglot Nulas will pronounce things as written, and if they find an illegal cluster they will suppress sounds or add epenthetic sounds as needed. A third variant from orthographical borrowings is used from languages that do not use the Latin alphabet, by defining a transcription schema from that language into Tokcir. i.e. alpha > {a}, beta > {b}, gamma > {g}, delta > {d}, etc. Note: A strict orthographical borrowing from a language like Chinese might use a transcribing schema like Pinyin, rather than using the original script like Hanyi. Using Pinyin would be actually the first variant. If there is a Tokcirized romanization of Chinese (i.e. using {p} for Pinyin <b>) this would become a third variant of orthographical borrowing. 3.3 Orthographical driven decision in an phonological borrowing. When borrowing a word using the standard phonological borrowing, some times approximating a sound might not be easy: should rhotic American English /@*/ be an {r} or an {a}? Some times while the sound is clear, the resulting transcription looks alien to a Nula used to the original orthography, and OTOH using a less accurate transcription does not sound too alien. In this cases, the original orthography might help decide for a variant like {Nu Yorka} over {Nu Yoak}, or {Venesuèla} over {Beneswèla}. Note that {Venesuèla} might be seen as a loose orthographical borrowing, rather than an orthographical driven phonological borrowing. While the result might be the same, there is a different in the process: ODPB: "Venezuela" >pronounced> /bene"swela/ >transcribed> {Beneswèla}
>corrected> {Venesuèla}.
LPB: "Venezuela" >strict> {Venezuela} >change /Z/ into /s/> {Venesuela} >stress> {Venesuèla}. Anyhow, once the name is coined, the way the Nula came to thad name is kind of irrelevant. 3.4 Calquing (Etymological Borrowing) Some times the name, or part of the name, means something in the inspiring language and the Nula naming the instance might decide that it is better to preserve the meaning than the sound. This way: "New York" > {Yorka Kai'}. This calquing might be complete (translating every single morpheme), or partial (translating a few morphemes and borrowing the rest), or even apply to morphemes into a word: "La Paz" (Capital of Bolivia) > {La Pas} (direct borrowing) "La Paz" (Capital of Bolivia) > {Ku Pas} (partial calquing) "La Paz" (Capital of Bolivia) > {Ku Mir} (complete calquing) "England" > {Angelset} "land of the Angles". 3.5 Non-borrowings. Close to the orthographical borrowing is not borrowing at all. This would be used when a Nula does not feel the need to have a name in Tokcir for a given instance (i.e. the name of a remote Canadian village with no Nula community for a Chinese Nula). Not borrowing will look like a strict orthographical transcription when written, or a phonological borrowing when spoken (or even sound as in the original language, if the speaker feels like ). When written, non-borrowed words should come into lazy marks. However some commonly used names might drop the lazy marks, like the measurement units derived from common names: i.e. {Coulomb}, pronounced as {kulòm}. By not using lazy marks in a scientific text in Tokcir this means that {Coulomb} is accepted as the standard name of the unit in Tokcir, rather than a concept not named in Tokcir. By written {Coulomb} and pronouncing as {kulòm}, it should be clear that this is the name of a measurement unit derived from a guy called Coulomb /ku"lom/, rather than a common Tokcir word /"tSoulomba/. 4 Naming by protocol. Sometimes instead of borrowing a systematic way might be use to name certain instances. For example, in a given calendar system, the name of the months might just be {olnasu}, {dunasu}, {ponasu}, {kanasu}, {finasu}, etc. which basically is a number followed by the suffix {-nasu} meaning "Month". This way of naming is handy in things like the western (Earth Standard) calendar system, where there is no reference language to derive the names from and the variants are many or too cultural specific (in this particular example Latin might work as inspiring language: {yanuari}, {februari} ... but when we come to the name of the days of the week...). A protocol has already been proposed for the name of the countries, which is heavily based on borrowing but adds some elements like native Tokcir suffixes, in an attempt to regularize things. 5 Changing names Names are susceptible to be changed by a community. In the Western world we used to call the capital of China as Peking, but when the Pinyin transcription became the official, pressure came to the community to begun to use Beijing instead. Beijing is an orthographic borrowing into English that people use to pronounce using English rules rather than Pinyin rules. In Tokcir names are susceptible to be changed as well, mainly due from pressure of the people that may have a claim over a name, as well as the Nula community accept the change. Given that Tokcir today is not a L1 language, but rather a conlang with barely a few years of created and still in development, with no native speaker, very few fluent speakers and a small bunch of enthusiasts that must still use dictionaries and write kits to write and read: we are all the Nula community and we are the ones naming things. It is important that we try to get a name that will not be foreseeably subject to be changed. That we are willing to change a name if the new name is better (as better reflects the wish of the people with claims over the named thing), and that we don't keep changing over opinions (like five Newyorkers discussing if the name for their city should be {Nuyòk}, {Yorka Kai'}, {Nu Yorka}, {Nu Yoak} or {Niuyòk}). -- Carlos Th